Diehard Complete 0-0-2 contains, and vegetable gardens. It contains DIEHARDTM ingredients intended for faster plant establishment and more sustainable growth
DH Turf Sod Pack
DIEHARD Sod Pallet Pack is formulated to be used as a soil amendment treatment for establishing turf grass root systems with live beneficial mycorrhizal fungi.
DH Trans
DIEHARD Transplant is used as a back-fill soil amendment to inoculate landscape plants when planted and “energize” the microbial activity in the ground. This One-Time Application Jump-starts Mother Nature and results in quick root establishment with less transplant shock.
DH Ecto Inject
“The Industry’s first complete Ecto Injectable Inoculant”
DIEHARD Ecto Injectable is an Ectomycorrhizal inoculant with numerous other ingredients for root injection and soil drench.
Use with Alder, Aspen, Basswood, Beech, Birch, Chestnut, Chinquapin, Cottonwood, Eucalyptus, Fir, Hemlock, Hazelnut, Hickory, Larch, Oak, Pecan, Pine, Poplar Spruce, and Willow.
DH Turf Sod Pack
DIEHARD Complete Organic: All-in-one mycorrhizal inoculant offers a product appropriate for use in plantings that benefit from the same DIEHARD™ cocktail but with less gel polymer.
DIEHARD Complete Organic is used in planting flowers, turf and vegetables; including applications for vertimulch, nursery/greenhouse, and soil or bed amendments.
Complete energizes the soil to create faster growth and early colonization, and results in quick root establishment with less transplant shock.